The Private Eye - looking closely and thinking by analogy with jeweler's loupes and inquiry method for hands-on interdisciplinary science, art, writing, math, and more

Writing Gallery

From the fourth grade classroom of
Anne Tinkel,
Study Elementary,
Fort Wayne, Indiana
(These have been posted on a bulletin board with the caption,
"Close Observing."):


My color strips remind me of:

the colors of the rainbow
little diamonds
clouds up in the sky
ear veins

               — Erik Quintana


My pine cone reminds me of:

a Christmas tree
the shell of a snail
a nest of birds
some lips
bananas on a tree

               — Viridiana Quintana


My leaf reminds me of:

a storm
lines on my hand
snake skin
turtle shells

               — Viridiana Quintana


My fingerprint reminds me of:

spinning around for a long time
vibrations coming from the sky

               — Justin Walker


My pine cone reminds me of:

a tree with spikes sticking out
sharp tails
a paddle on a little boat
peanut butter
a bad hair day

               — Justin Walker


My wallpaper sample reminds me of:

green dinosaur eggs hatching
green broken bottles

               — Marcus Moser


My fingerprint reminds me of:

a black rainbow
a maze
a V
ocean waves

               — Marcus Moser


My pine cone reminds me of:

brown rocks
little holes
brown bark
dents in a car
big craters

               — Jeremiah Felix


My color strips remind me of:

train tracks
snowflakes in the winter
ants' eggs hills
little dots of a carpet

               — William Kohler


My pine cone reminds me of:

whale's teeth
rhinoceros skin
a dress
a flower

               — Edith Trejo


My wallpaper sample reminds me of:

my old house in California
my sister's dress
my grandma's chair

               — Edith Trejo


My fingerprints remind me of:

swirly candy
wrinkles in my clothes
waves in the sea

               — Crystal Reed


My pine cone reminds me of:

a dark cave
dirt inside of something
brown snakes
a tongue
a pineapple

               — Crystal Reed


My pine cone reminds me of:

a cactus
branches on a tree
an eagle's wing

               — Tony Pattin


My pine cone reminds me of:

a porcupine
a pineapple
my hair

               — Caleb Hereford


My pine cone reminds me of:

bumpy hills
tree leaves
a star
a firecracker
blooming flowers

               — Jakeya Stabler


My pine cone reminds me of:

lots of tongues sticking out at me
a dandelion
a butterfly

               — Carlena Jones


My pine cone reminds me of:

eggs for a bird with little curls on it
a snake dance in the ground
little snakes coming out of eggs
ice in a cup

               — Rubi Gaspar

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