The Private Eye - looking closely and thinking by analogy with jeweler's loupes and inquiry method for hands-on interdisciplinary science, art, writing, math, and more

Writing Gallery

From the 4th grade classroom
of Ms. Schuller
Whitson Elementary,
White Salmon, Washginton

These poems were created using a variation of The Private Eye "Sandwich Poem" approach, and also included the beginning theorizing Private Eye question; Catherine Brown, educational consultant, created a custimized template for the students to use.


Pine Needles

I see a big tree high out of the ground
The back of an arrow soaring through the air.
A huge bughouse.
I see feathers falling from mid-air off of a bird,
And grass blowing in the wind.
I see spaghetti on a hot plate with red sauce.
Maybe it grows that way for beauty.



A Rock

If you look very closely
You can see bird-like honey lying on the ground.
You can see the lava coming ouit of the volcano.
You can see a 2,000,000 year old fossil.
You can see a steep cliff falling on the road.
Why is it that way?
Maybe to show me the way...



The Palm of My Hand

I can see the very lightning armadas in the sky of wonders,
The branches in the breeze on a windy day,
Or maybe the dry riverbank of the desert...
I can see the trails of falling stars in the dark sky.
Why is it made that way?



Peacock Feather

If I look very closely
I see a tarantula crawling across the desert.
I see an eye of a mad man.
Why is it made that way?
Maybe to chase away predators.



Pointed Finger

If I look very closely
I can see a top spinning fast,
An eye of a bird searching for prey,
Bumpy roads on a highway long and wide,
Ripples in the ice-cold water...
Why is it made that way?


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