June 1
Temp: 70 degrees
Moon Phase:
Sunrise: 5:33 a.m.
Sunset: 8:49 p.m.
Tides: high — 6:33 a.m. 5.4 ft.
p.m. 6.7 ft.
low — 12:44
a.m. 2.2 ft.
p.m. 1.1 ft.
Weather: Morning clouds with 20% chance
of rain, then partly cloudy. Clearing tonight.
- Flower -
I did a thorough loupe looking
on a flower I'm not sure the name of. Its pink flowers
seem to look like explosions and iridescent leaves.
- Quote -
As a toddler opens his eyes in
wonder at the colorful explosion of fireworks a girl the same age
gazes in amazement at the pink snow falling from the sky.
— Monica, Grade 7
Kennedy Middle School
Eugene, Oregon